شوال 1445

21 حدث
  • منتزه الملك عبدالله البيئي

    هب البراد

    “هب البراد” فعالية ترفيهية عائلية والتي تضم معرض كلنا منتجون للأسر المنتجة، وخيمة فعاليات ضخمة متجددة بشكل يومي وعروض تفاعلية مثيرة، وعرض لفريق خواطر الظلام، وأمسية إنشادية للمنشد عبدالعزيز العليوي، وفلكلور شعبي نسائي للنساء، وكاريوكي للفتيات، وعروض بهلوا

  • شهر التوعية بسرطان القولون

    ​ نبذة عن الشهر العالمي: شهر مارس هو شهر التوعية بسرطان القولون، وهو تجمع والتقاء لمجتمع سرطان القولون من مرضى وناجين ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية لعقد الفعاليات ونشر التوعية بسرطان القولون وطرق الفحص.

  • بابيل ليزر شو

    بابيل ليزر شو

  • ماراثون "الحسا تركض"

    ​تطلق الهيئة العامة للرياضة في السابعة صباح يوم السبت 3 مارس 2018، ماراثون "الحسا تركض" بمدينة جواثا السياحية، وبمشاركة أكثر من 6 آلاف متسابق ، مصنفين حسب الفئات ( محترفين، شباب، أطفال، كبار السن )، ويأتي هذا المراثون تعزيزا لرياضة الجري، ونشر مفهوم الريا

  • اليوم العالمي للكلى

    نبذة عن اليوم العالمي: اليوم العالمي للكلى هو حملة توعوية عالمية تهدف إلى رفع مستوى الوعي بأهمية الكلى، ويحدث في كل عام في الثامن من مارس إقامة العديد من الفعاليات والحملات في جميع أنحاء العالم من قِبَل المجتمع والجهات المختصة؛ بهدف خلق الوعي لدى الجميع،

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news Details

Advisor to the King of Bahrain... The quality and competitiveness of “Al-Ahsa dates” enhances its Gulf and international presence

Specialists in the date industries confirmed that the Al-Ahsa Processed Dates Marketing Festival 2023, organized by Al-Ahsa Municipality in cooperation with its partners at the Municipality’s heritage castle, has become an important destination for residential hostels (hotels and apartments) and catering outlets (cafés and restaurants) in Al-Ahsa and a number of other cities to purchase convertible date products. Providing it as official hospitality to guests and visitors to their establishments, in addition to other uses of dates in preparing sweets, pointing out that the festival is the largest hospitality platform for visitors to Al-Ahsa, which would support aspirations to benefit from the areas of smart marketing of dates and their manufacturing industries on a permanent basis. On the other hand, Advisor to the King of the Kingdom of Bahrain for Media Affairs, Nabil Yacoub Al-Hamar, expressed his happiness at visiting the festival, noting that the festival represents an important destination for marketing an agricultural product of importance at the level of the Kingdom in innovative and attractive ways, noting that this enhances the opportunities for marketing it in the Gulf and internationally, especially since Saudi date varieties, including those produced by Al-Ahsa orchards, are characterized by high quality and competitiveness. Meanwhile, the Advisor for Media Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Lulwa Budlamah, said: I was pleased with my visit to Al-Ahsa and to learn about the date marketing festival in a fertile area for investment in manufactured dates, and we noticed what Saudi youth are offering in professional ways that deserve access to global markets. In addition, Omani sweets, which are made directly in front of visitors, are very popular, as Munis Khalfan, one of the participants in the preparation of this sweet, indicated that the daily preparation process for the sweets begins sufficiently in advance for them to be prepared and prepared directly in front of visitors so that attendees can benefit from learning about the preparation method as well as the ingredients. And the famous types of Omani sweets. While the presence of Dakna Al-Dosari and Nayef Al-Qatari, “the men of Al-Assa,” and wandering around the festival site in their known garb, brought back visitors’ memories of the past and the guarding duties that (Al-Assa) performed in the past in the past, while a number of visitors, especially tourists and children, are keen to Taking souvenir photos with the men of Al-Assa.

Last Update: 06/05/1441
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality