جمادى الثانية 1446

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news Details

During 2023... launching 31 digital services and activating the unified system (plans)

Last year, 2023, Al-Ahsa Municipality witnessed the activation of 31 digital services that included (development programs for human resources, applying for municipal incubators, and the electronic forms and questionnaires platform), and this comes within the framework of the Secretariat’s endeavor, represented by the General Administration for Digital Transformation, to develop its services provided to customers, and to achieve the objectives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. And rural and strategic housing in the municipal and housing sectors according to a sustainable digital system that aims to provide pioneering services for smart and innovative digital cities that provide a quality of life for the community. The municipality also launched a package of updates to traffic safety services with the aim of processing requests for services concerned in the field of traffic safety submitted by beneficiaries and creating a dashboard to follow up requests to raise the level of performance in the speed of completing the request and ease of moving it between departments and printing forms directed to the Traffic Department, in addition to activating a unified central electronic system for plans. Approved to add and modify the municipality’s plans, ensure their accuracy, and archive them through the engineering offices under the supervision of the Reconstruction Agency. In addition, the digital procedures statistics for the year 2023 indicated (processing 623 requests on the Isnad platform, interacting with 3,450 e-mail messages, completing 500 electronic municipal transactions, providing support for 5,413 requests to the “Grievances Committee”). The secretariat also provided its municipal services to 1,393 clients via The Saudi Business Center is concerned with facilitating procedures for starting, conducting, and terminating economic businesses and providing all related services and work.

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024