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Honoring the winners of the (Amin Award for Excellence)

To motivate its employees and create a competitive environment among them in creativity and innovation, and to improve the quality of institutional excellence and reflect positively on the municipal services provided and the extent of beneficiaries' satisfaction, Al-Ahsa Municipality honored on Wednesday, November 20, the winners of the (Amin for Excellence) Award, in the presence of its Secretary, Eng. Essam bin Abdul Latif Al-Mulla, and the leaders and officials of the Municipality. Al-Ahsa Mayor, Eng. Essam Al-Mulla, stressed that allocating an "Annual Excellence Award for Employees, Departments and Municipalities" comes from the Municipality's efforts to encourage individuals and leaders to adopt the concept of excellence, creativity and best practices, and to enhance the spirit of competition among them through measurable standards and to create a stimulating environment for mastery, innovation and improving the quality of institutional excellence and providing better service to the community. Al-Mulla added: On this day, by honoring distinguished individuals, departments and municipalities, we appreciate their efforts and appreciate their creative performance, which contributes to achieving the Municipality's goals. It is noteworthy that the "Amin Award for Excellence" included 3 special tracks for employees, departments and municipalities to compete in the fields of "specialization, technical and craftsmanship, administrative", while its objectives focused on (spreading the culture of quality and institutional excellence, adhering to regulations, enhancing social responsibility and encouraging excellence, creativity and innovation among employees, honoring distinguished people and highlighting them as good role models, enhancing positive competition between administrative units and paying attention to meeting customer requirements and measuring their satisfaction, developing means of communication and contact between departments and employees, improving the general performance of the Secretariat and continuous development. At the conclusion of the honoring ceremony, the Secretary of Al-Ahsa, Eng. Issam Al-Mulla, honored the winners of the "Amin Award for Excellence", namely (Atiyah Al-Banaqi, Fatima Al-Tammar, Abdul Mohsen Al-Qattan and Saleh Al-Aliwi, Khaled Al-Dhafar, Istiqamah Al-Hussein, Muhammad Al-Luwaimi, Reda Al-Saleh, Muhtasib Al-Qadib, Muhammad Al-Khamis in the employees' track in its three branches, and in the municipalities' track "Al-Jafr Municipality, Ariara Municipality, Al-Hofuf Municipality"), and in the departments' track "General Administration of Digital Operations and Operation My country, General Department of Partnership and Social Responsibility, General Department of Customer Service and Customer Experience.

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024