شوال 1445

21 حدث
  • منتزه الملك عبدالله البيئي

    هب البراد

    “هب البراد” فعالية ترفيهية عائلية والتي تضم معرض كلنا منتجون للأسر المنتجة، وخيمة فعاليات ضخمة متجددة بشكل يومي وعروض تفاعلية مثيرة، وعرض لفريق خواطر الظلام، وأمسية إنشادية للمنشد عبدالعزيز العليوي، وفلكلور شعبي نسائي للنساء، وكاريوكي للفتيات، وعروض بهلوا

  • شهر التوعية بسرطان القولون

    ​ نبذة عن الشهر العالمي: شهر مارس هو شهر التوعية بسرطان القولون، وهو تجمع والتقاء لمجتمع سرطان القولون من مرضى وناجين ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية لعقد الفعاليات ونشر التوعية بسرطان القولون وطرق الفحص.

  • بابيل ليزر شو

    بابيل ليزر شو

  • ماراثون "الحسا تركض"

    ​تطلق الهيئة العامة للرياضة في السابعة صباح يوم السبت 3 مارس 2018، ماراثون "الحسا تركض" بمدينة جواثا السياحية، وبمشاركة أكثر من 6 آلاف متسابق ، مصنفين حسب الفئات ( محترفين، شباب، أطفال، كبار السن )، ويأتي هذا المراثون تعزيزا لرياضة الجري، ونشر مفهوم الريا

  • اليوم العالمي للكلى

    نبذة عن اليوم العالمي: اليوم العالمي للكلى هو حملة توعوية عالمية تهدف إلى رفع مستوى الوعي بأهمية الكلى، ويحدث في كل عام في الثامن من مارس إقامة العديد من الفعاليات والحملات في جميع أنحاء العالم من قِبَل المجتمع والجهات المختصة؛ بهدف خلق الوعي لدى الجميع،

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news Details

Within the “Cityscape” exhibition, 3 partnership agreements were signed

On the sidelines of the (Cityscape International) exhibition in Riyadh, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing during the period 10-13 September 2023 at the Riyadh Exhibition and Convention Center in “Mulham”. Al-Ahsa Municipality signed 3 partnership and cooperation agreements with the Center for Local Administration at Prince Sultan University, the City Planning and Development Association, and the Civil Development Association in Al-Hofuf “Rasouk”. The municipality was represented in signing the agreements by the mayor, Eng. Issam bin Abdul Latif Al-Mulla, while the partnership entities with the secretariat were represented by “General Chairman of the Administration Center at Prince Sultan University, Dr. Zahir Abdul Rahman Othman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the City Planning and Development Association, Eng. Fahd Abdul Aziz Al Abdul Aziz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Civil Development Association in Al-Hofuf.” His Eminence Sheikh Nasser Muhammad Al-Naim. The Mayor of Al-Ahsa, Engineer Issam Al-Mulla, confirmed that the signing of these agreements comes from the standpoint of the service and development role that the Municipality is concerned with, in addition to the municipal initiatives and projects it undertakes in the metropolis, based on the support and interest of our wise leadership - may God support it - in strengthening social responsibility initiatives and programmes. Being one of the pillars of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. The partnership and cooperation agreement between Al-Ahsa Municipality and the Local Administration Center at Prince Sultan University aims to (strengthen professional relations in activities of common interest and exchange knowledge, expertise and experiences, strengthen channels of integration between the two sides through the participation of experts and specialists in programs, initiatives, seminars and scientific workshops of common specialization, preparation Joint research studies and projects, provision of advisory services, cooperation in the field of training and capacity building to apply scientific, engineering and professional methods to keep pace with innovations and modern technologies in this field). While the aspects and areas of partnership between the Secretariat and the City Planning and Development Association included (providing awareness messages to the community about the importance of urban planning, activating plans for the City Planning and Development Association’s participation in the work of planning and urban studies, providing capacity building and human capital development programs in areas related to urban planning for the Secretariat’s employees. After building the training need, disseminating urban knowledge through holding workshops, seminars and lectures related to urban planning, establishing international cooperation programs with international institutes and leading academic and professional institutions in the field of urban planning and coordinating visits for the secretariat’s employees, supporting the secretariat’s efforts with regard to community participation, volunteer work and social responsibility. Contributing to the development of the municipal governance system. While the agreement signed between the Secretariat and the National Development Association in Hofuf “Rasoukh” aimed to support and empower the non-profit sector to serve the community through effective partnerships and modern scientific methods, preserving public facilities, and setting a framework for joint cooperation between the two sides in order to achieve the desired goals in this field and to achieve the goals of the vision. Kingdom 2030. The agreement also includes the association undertaking the preparation, equipment and maintenance of the secretariat facility (Muhammadiya Football Stadium) to serve the community under the name “Rasoukh Community Center in Muhammadiyah”, as well as holding community events and activities after the approval of the secretariat. It is noteworthy that the City Shakeeb International Exhibition comes as the largest real estate exhibition in the world, with the presence of more than 170 countries, and with the participation of exhibitors from 21 countries showcasing their distinctive real estate projects. The exhibition also includes Vision 2030 projects under one roof, in addition to holding many dialogue sessions through forums and theaters. Specialized to discuss the real estate sector from its various aspects, such as “the artificial intelligence sector with real estate, real estate market transformations and environmental sustainability, the role of women in real estate technical innovations, the future of industrial real estate in the Kingdom, and urban planning.”

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024