ربيع الأول 1446

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Launching the (Institutional Excellence) platform and developing 25 electronic systems

The official spokesman for the Al-Ahsa Municipality, Khaled bin Mohammed Boushal, explained that the Digital Transformation Agency, in cooperation with the General Administration of Quality and Institutional Excellence, and as an extension of the municipality's efforts to develop its services and enhance digital transformation, in order to achieve the goals of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing to reach pioneering services for smart and innovative digital cities, launched during the second quarter of this year 2024 the Institutional Excellence Platform, which enhances the automation of all the municipality's procedures that have been unified with the aim of monitoring and measuring the performance of procedures easily for (agencies - municipalities - departments), which enhances the continuous improvement of quality. Boushal noted that the steps of the Al-Ahsa Municipality were also taken to develop 25 electronic systems and transfer them to the (APEX) platform, which is a platform that enables the creation of applications that are characterized by security and scalability and contain high-level features and can be distributed anywhere on the cloud or locally. For his part, the Undersecretary of the Municipality for Digital Transformation, Eng. Mohammed Al-Faqiri, that the second quarter of the current year 2024 witnessed, through the “Baladi Platform”, the implementation of (2088 requests for commercial licenses, 4640 requests for construction licenses, 6384 requests for infrastructure coordination licenses, 29 requests for the development of collective housing for individuals), in addition to receiving 96 requests to compete for investment opportunities. Al-Faqiri added: During the same period, the Secretariat provided technical support to customers, which included (processing 25 requests through the Isnad platform, interacting with 481 emails, dealing with 429688 text messages, supporting 49 requests to include surplus lands, supporting 123 requests submitted by the Grievance Committee), in addition to providing municipal services to 2032 customers in service centers at the Secretariat’s headquarters, agencies, municipalities and the Saudi Business Center, and interacting with 17499 reports through the “940” Reports and Emergency Center.

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024