ربيع الأول 1446

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news Details

To enhance the smooth flow of vehicles... Traffic updates at the intersection (King Abdullah Road - Al-Uqair)

In cooperation with Al-Ahsa Traffic, Al-Ahsa Municipality activated the new plan to enhance the smooth flow of traffic at the intersection of King Abdullah - Al-Uqair Road, where the operating times of the traffic signals at the intersection were improved and updated. The steps for operating traffic signals at the intersection will be according to 3 operational phases: (Traffic lanes will be free for those coming from the “King Abdullah Road-Prince Mohammed bin Fahd Road” intersection bridge and heading south to the Gulf Road Bridge, and at the same time, traffic will also be opened for vehicles coming from the Gulf Bridge and heading north to the King Abdullah Road-Prince Mohammed bin Fahd Road intersection bridge. In the second phase, traffic will be available for those coming from the King Abdullah Road and Prince Mohammed bin Fahd Road intersection bridge and heading east to Al-Uqair Road towards the eastern cities and villages, in conjunction with opening traffic for those coming from Gulf Square and heading west. In the third phase, the current usual traffic movement for those coming from the east “the eastern cities and villages” will remain according to the specified paths without changing traffic in the west or south direction). It is worth mentioning that the intersection of King Abdullah-Uqair Road was studied as part of the project to prepare designs for the intersections of the Uqair Tourist Road in Al-Ahsa in coordination with the Eastern Region Development Authority. It was found that the intersection witnesses high traffic movement estimated at about 12,000 vehicles during the morning and evening rush hours, with an average delay time of 118 seconds. After implementing traffic improvements at the intersection and updating signal times, the average delay time will decrease to 27 seconds.

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024