جمادى الثانية 1446

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news Details

In April... 10,000 tons of “solid waste” were recycled.

The statistical report of the Al-Ahsa Municipality Services Agency indicated that last month (April 2023) witnessed the sorting and recycling of 10,019 tons of solid waste. The municipality’s agent for services, M. Fahad bin Muhammad Al-Zahrani said that the sorting and recycling work included (3,880 tons of organic materials, 630 tons of paper and cardboard, 195 tons of plastic, 95 tons of metals, 1,660 tons of car tires, and 3,557 tons of various materials), indicating that these efforts come within the ongoing scheduling of comprehensive programs. Which the secretariat is carrying out to raise the level of services in residential neighborhoods and enhance community awareness in preserving the environment, and as an extension of the initiative to address visual distortion and improve the urban landscape in accordance with the objectives of the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing in a clear path with specific goals, including those related to organizing and supervising all activities related to waste and enhancing Social responsibility among individuals to achieve sustainable development, encourage investment plans in it, and increase its quality on the basis of economic principles in waste management to achieve environmental preservation factors in society. In addition, the amount of waste received for the environmental landfill in the same period amounted to 53,872 tons, which included (41,473 tons of household waste, 5,649 tons of commercial waste, 2,534 tons of vehicle tires, and 4,216 tons of slaughterhouse waste).

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024