رجب 1446

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news Details

Launch of a Project for "Operating the Transportation and Traffic Safety System on Roads"

The Municipality of Al-Ahsa, represented by the Projects Agency, has launched a project for the operation and maintenance of the transportation and traffic safety management system. The goal is to enhance the maintenance of the intelligent transportation system across three paths: (1) electronic screens on roads used for public awareness of traffic regulations, alerting road conditions, and announcing various events and public activities; (2) monitoring cameras for road conditions; and (3) a communication system that includes a communication booth at the site and all its components, used to connect electronic screens and record cameras in the control room at the Projects Agency headquarters. This was clarified by the Assistant Secretary for Projects, Engineer Abdullah Al-Otaibi, who added that the project scope also includes "operating the control room at the Projects Agency headquarters" by a team of Saudi operators, whose duties focus on monitoring surveillance cameras and managing messages on electronic screens based on road conditions, including alert messages for vehicle drivers in the event of traffic accidents, congestion, and detours, in addition to messages for public events and alerts for emergency weather conditions in coordination with the Disaster Management Department. Currently, steps are being taken to develop the electronic screen system on roads by adding information on times and distances for vehicle drivers to reach the most important main destinations in the governorate. It is worth mentioning that the project currently covers parts of the main road network in the Al-Ahsa region (King Salman bin Abdulaziz Road, Dhahran Road, King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Road, Ain Najm Road, Prince Saud bin Jilwi Road, Riyadh Road, and King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Road - "the western side, the eastern side"). In this regard, the Al-Ahsa Municipality is currently working on awarding the second phase of the project for the installation of electronic screens and surveillance cameras on roads, as well as developing the control room and expanding the application of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The project includes the installation of approximately 20 electronic screens and 60 road surveillance cameras using the latest technologies to complete coverage of the main axes in the Al-Ahsa region, including (Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Road, Al-Aqeer Road, Makkah Road, completion of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Road - "the eastern side - the western side," and completion of King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Road).

Last Update: 20/05/1445
@All rights are reserved to the Al-Ahsa Municipality 2024